Chaz Michael Michaels

I have a handful of people that read this blog. Never fails to amaze me that anyone does.

That small group includes comments from an unknown follower - Chaz Michael Michaels. I don’t think our paths have crossed but Chaz is the man. You make me laugh brother and I appreciate your periodic check ins (including the Bama checkup). For those that haven’t read Chaz’s work you need to review the comments section.

If you have a blog you need to let me know because I would definitely be a follower.

I’m getting close the end of this thing. I set out to do 500 burpees this evening but ended up doing 700 because I kept asking myself “What would Chaz do?”.

Thanks for making this journey a little easier my friend. Keep knocking out the burbees and stay safe.

Jeff Jones2 Comments